Berrysearch brings you a revolutionary way to search on your device: faster than your native search for apps and contacts, with fewer taps and better results, it is also always available from a tab on the side of your screen.
In 1 tap, Berrysearch will show you the list of your recently installed apps and favorite contacts. Choose to use the T9 keyboard and with even fewer taps and our smart search, you can access things much faster than has been previously available on Android.
Easily txt, email, WhatsApp, or call the found contacts from a super quick Contact Details popup that saves you time and effort.
With Berrysearch’s smart T9 algorithm, you only tap once on the key for your chosen letter and it will match all of the relevant words for you, meaning you can get your chosen words in a third of the time. It’s really simple and an incredible time saving tool.
For example, to search for Skype, tap as follows:
"PQRS" + "JKL" + "WXYZ" + "PQRS" + "DEF"
On an average phone, the first 2 or 3 taps should suffice though...try and see for yourself!
Note: the CALL_PHONE and READ_CONTACTS permissions are required to search your contacts, create the contact details screen, and start a call from it.
Berrysearch membawa Anda cara revolusioner untuk mencari pada perangkat Anda: lebih cepat daripada pencarian asli Anda untuk aplikasi dan kontak, dengan keran lebih sedikit dan hasil yang lebih baik, juga selalu tersedia dari tab di sisi layar Anda.
Dalam 1 tap, Berrysearch akan menunjukkan daftar aplikasi Anda baru-baru ini diinstal dan kontak favorit. Memilih untuk menggunakan keyboard T9 dan dengan keran bahkan lebih sedikit dan pencarian cerdas kami, Anda dapat mengakses hal-hal yang jauh lebih cepat daripada sebelumnya telah tersedia di Android.
Mudah txt, email, WhatsApp, atau memanggil kontak yang ditemukan dari super cepat Detail Kontak popup yang menghemat waktu dan usaha.
Dengan algoritma T9 cerdas Berrysearch, Anda hanya menekan satu kali tombol untuk huruf yang Anda pilih dan akan cocok dengan semua kata-kata yang relevan untuk Anda, berarti Anda bisa mendapatkan kata-kata yang Anda pilih dalam sepertiga waktu. Ini benar-benar sederhana dan alat penghematan yang luar biasa waktu.
Misalnya, untuk mencari Skype, tekan sebagai berikut:
"PQRS" + "JKL" + "WXYZ" + "PQRS" + "DEF"
Pada ponsel rata-rata, yang pertama 2 atau 3 keran harus cukup meskipun ... coba dan lihat sendiri!
Catatan: CALL_PHONE dan READ_CONTACTS hak akses yang diperlukan untuk mencari kontak Anda, membuat rincian kontak layar, dan memulai panggilan dari itu.
Berrysearch brings you a revolutionary way to search on your device: faster than your native search for apps and contacts, with fewer taps and better results, it is also always available from a tab on the side of your screen.
In 1 tap, Berrysearch will show you the list of your recently installed apps and favorite contacts. Choose to use the T9 keyboard and with even fewer taps and our smart search, you can access things much faster than has been previously available on Android.
Easily txt, email, WhatsApp, or call the found contacts from a super quick Contact Details popup that saves you time and effort.
With Berrysearch’s smart T9 algorithm, you only tap once on the key for your chosen letter and it will match all of the relevant words for you, meaning you can get your chosen words in a third of the time. It’s really simple and an incredible time saving tool.
For example, to search for Skype, tap as follows:
"PQRS" + "JKL" + "WXYZ" + "PQRS" + "DEF"
On an average phone, the first 2 or 3 taps should suffice though...try and see for yourself!
Note: the CALL_PHONE and READ_CONTACTS permissions are required to search your contacts, create the contact details screen, and start a call from it.